Configuring Oracle Connect
6-22 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
5. Select ImsTm Import Manager from the Import type list as shown in the following
Figure 6–9 The New Metadata Import screen
6. Click Finish. The Metadata Import wizard is displayed.
7. Click Add. The Add Resources screen is displayed, which provides the option to
select files from the local computer or copy the files from another computer.
8. If the files are on another computer, then right-click My FTP Sites and select Add.
Optionally, double-click Add FTP site. The Add FTP Site screen is displayed.
9. Enter the server name or IP address where the COBOL copybooks reside and enter
a valid username and password to access the computer (if anonymous access is
used, then click Anonymous connection) then click OK.
The FTP site is added to the list of available sites as shown in the following figure:
Note: The selected server is accessed using the username as the
high-level qualifier, enabling you to browse and transfer files.