Configuring Oracle Connect
6-24 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
Figure 6–11 The Apply Filters screen
14. Apply filters to the copybooks, as needed.
The following table lists the available filters:Table 6–15 Available Filters
Filter Description
COMP_6 switch The MicroFocus COMP-6 compiler directive. Specify
either COMP-6’1’ to treat COMP-6 as a COMP data type
or COMP-6’2’ to treat COMP-6 as a COMP-3 data type.
Compiler source The compiler vendor.
Storage mode The MicroFocus Integer Storage Mode. Specify either
NOIBMCOMP for byte storage mode or IBMCOMP is for
word storage mode.
Ignore after column
Ignores columns 73 to 80 in the COBOL copybook.
IgnoreFirst6 Ignores the first six columns in the COBOL copybook.
Replace hyphens (-)
in record and field
names with
underscores (_)
Replaces all hyphens in either the record or field names in
the metadata generated from the COBOL with underscore
Prefix nested
Prefix all nested columns with the previous level heading.
Case sensitive Specifies whether to be sensitive to the search string case.
Find Searches for the specified value.
Replace with Replaces the value specified for Find with the value
specified here