Back-end Adapter Data Type Support B-1

Back-end Adapter Data Type Support

OracleAS Adapters for IMS/TM supports a number of data types that are used when
defining metadata in Oracle Studio. The data types are mapped from the COBOL data
types during the import procedure.

Data Type Mapping

The COBOL data type COMP, in the table is an abbreviation for, and synonymous with,
COMPUTATIONAL. Square brackets ([ ]) denote optional qualifiers for some COBOL
compilers, which may not be allowed for other COBOL compilers.
Note: The mapping of data types between OracleAS Adapters for
IMS/TM and Oracle Application Server is performed internally by
Oracle Connect.
Table 6–17 Data Type Mapping: COBOL and Oracle Connect Back-end Adapter
COBOL Data Type Oracle Connect Data Type
BINARY (with fractional data) string
BINARY (without fractional data) int
COMP (with fractional data) string
COMP (without fractional data) int
COMP-2 double
COMP-3 string
COMP-4 (with fractional data) string
COMP-4 (without fractional data) int
COMP-5 (with fractional data) string
COMP-5 (without fractional data) int
COMP-X (with fractional data) string
COMP-X (without fractional data) int
[SIGN [IS]] LEADING string
NATIVE-2 int