C-16 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
WS Security
Using the WS Security tab, you specify the level of security at the workspace level, as
opposed to the daemon level, which is set in the Daemon Security tab.
The WS Security tab is used to:
Grant administration rights for the workspace
Determine access to the workspace by a client
The WS Security tab is accessed as follows:
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.
2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.
4. Expand the Daemons node to display the workspaces in the Runtime Explorer.
5. Right-click the workspace and select Edit Workspace Configuration.
6. Click the WS Security tab.
7. After making changes to the workspace, right-click the daemon and select Reload
Server Specifies the server connection events to log. The
following server events are available:
Connect: The event log displays the server connection
Disconnect: The event log displays the server
disconnect events.
Client Specifies the type of tracing performed. The following
client events are available:
Connect: The event log displays the client connection
Disconnect: The event log displays the client
disconnect events.
Audit This group is not applicable for use with OracleAS
Adapter for IMS/TM.
See Also: "Daemon Security" on page C-5 for details about
Note: You can also change daemon settings using the
Configuration Explorer, by selecting a computer and scrolling the
list to the required daemon. Right-click the daemon and select Edit
Changes made to the daemon configuration are not implemented.
They are only implemented after the configuration is reloaded
using the Reload Configuration option in the Runtime Manager.
Table 6–23 (Cont.) WS Logging tab Components
Field Description