Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-7
WorkspacesA daemon can include a number of workspaces. A workspace defines the server
processes and environment that are used for the communication between the client
and the server for the duration of the client request. Each workspace has its own
definition. The workspace definition is divided into the following groups:
■WS Info.
■WS Server
■WS Logging
■WS Security
■WS Governing: This tab is not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapters for
WS Info.
Using the WS Info. tab, you specify the features that control the operation of the
workspace, such as the server type, the command procedure used to start the
workspace and the binding configuration associated with this workspace.
The WS Info. tab is accessed as follows:
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.
2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.
Selected users only Identifies the names of users (accounts) and groups that
can be administrators.1
If a user is not specified, the account from which the
daemon was started is considered the administrator. Note
that the daemon does not require the user to log in to the
account on the system, but to log in to the daemon using
the account name and password.
Machine access Manages access to the computer.
Allow anonymous
Whether workspaces allow anonymous logins (without
user name/password entries). For the optimal level of
security, keep this option unchecked and define a
username for the Daemon Administrators parameter. If
unchecked, then no workspace can have an anonymous
client. If checked, then a particular workspace allows
anonymous clients.
Cached password Enables login passwords to be cached. This enhances
performance by reducing login times for future
connections from the same client in a session.
Encryption methods Specifies the encryption method used to send information
across the network. The default is an asterisk (*), meaning
that all methods are acceptable. If an encryption method is
specified, it must be used. The RC4 and DES3 protocols
are currently supported.
1The name is prefixed with ’@’, to utilize the operating system GROUP feature.
Table 6–20 (Cont.) Daemon Security tab Components
Field Description