Configuring a Binding Environment
5-8 Oracle Application Server Adapter for IMS/TM User’s Guide
odbc CategoryThe odbc parameters are not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.
oledb CategoryThe oledb parameters are not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM.
optimizer CategoryThe optimizer parameters are not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapter for
queryProcessor CategoryThe queryProcessor parameters are not applicable for use with OracleAS Adapter for
transactions CategoryThe following table lists the parameters that define the transaction support:
year2000Policy Determines the way 2-digit years are converted into
4-digit years. When the parameter year2000Policy is
not set, or when it is set to a value outside the range of
values defined for the policy, as described in the following
paragraphs, a default value of 5 and the Sliding Base Year
policy is used.
Two policies are provided:
■Fixed Base Year: year2000Policy is set to a value
greater than, or equal to 1900. In this case, the value of
year2000Policy is the first 4-digit year after 1900
that can be represented by a 2-digit year. For example,
if year2000Policy is set to 1905, the years
2000->2004 will be represented by 00->04. All other
2-digits will map to 19xx.
This solution is most required if there is live data at
the low end (close to the year 1900), which the user
wants to keep with the current 2-digit format.
The user will probably change the base date only after
ensuring that these old dates have been deleted from
the data source.
■Sliding Base Year: year2000Policy is set to a
positive value less than 100. In this case, the value of
year2000Policy represents the number of years
ahead of the current year that can be represented by a
2-digit number. With each passing year the earliest
year that can be represented by a 2-digit number
changes to a year later.
Table 5–4 (Cont.) misc Category Parameters
Parameter Description