Daemon Security
Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-5
The following tokens can appear in the log file template and will be replaced
%A: workspace name
%D: date (yymmdd)
%I: instance number of the given workspace server
%L: server account login directory
%P: server process ID
%T: time (hhmmss)
%U: server account name (username)
For example, %L/server_%A%I.log may produce a log file such as:
The default log file template is %L/server_%A%I.log.
Daemon Security
The Daemon Security tab is used to:
Grant administration rights for the daemon.
Determine access to the computer.
The Daemon Security tab is accessed as follows:
1. From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle, and then select Studio.
2. Select the required computer from the Configuration Explorer.
3. Right-click the computer and select Open Runtime Perspective.
4. Right-click the daemon in the Runtime Explorer and select Edit Daemon
5. Click the Daemon Security tab.
6. After making changes to the daemon, right-click the daemon and select Reload
System trace Generates system-specific tracing of various operations.
Timing Generates a timestamp for every entry to the server log
Binary XML log level Sets the binary XML log level. Your options are:
none (the default)
Server log filename format Defines the name and location of the server log file. The
field must specify the full path name. If no directory
information is provided for the log file, then it will be
located in the login directory of the account running
Oracle Connect workstation.
Table 6–19 (Cont.) Daemon Logging tab Components
Field Description