Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series Platform
Installing and Configuring OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 6-3
Installing Oracle Connect on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS Series PlatformThis section explains how to install Oracle Connect from the CD-ROM. This section
includes the following:
■Installation Worksheet
■Preinstallation Instructions
■Installing the Kit
■Installation Instructions
■Postinstallation Instructions
Installation Worksheet
Verify that you have all the information detailed in the following installation
worksheets, so you can refer to it during the configuration process.
Table 6–4 Oracle Studio Software Requirements
Software Component Requirements
Operating System Microsoft Windows 2000 with service pack 2 or higher, or
Microsoft Windows XP, or Microsoft Windows 2003
Microsoft Network transport protocol software, TCP/IP, included with
Microsoft Windows
Note: If you have an Oracle Connect back-end adapter already
installed on the IBM OS/390 or z/OS platform, then follow the
instructions described in "Updating an Existing Oracle Connect
Installation with IMS/TM" on page 6-12.
The other back-end adapters that run on an IBM OS/390 or z/OS
platform are:
■OracleAS Adapter for CICS
■OracleAS Adapter for IMS/DB
■OracleAS Adapter for VSAM
Table 6���5 Preinstallation Information
Topic Required Information Default Comment
General Operating system -OS/390 V2R5 or higher, or z/OS Series
V1R0 or higher
-Disk space -150 cylinders
-Memory -The minimum requirement is 4 MB for each
connection. A connection is defined as a
connection to a server process or daemon.
The actual memory requirement depends on
such things as the size of the database and
the number of databases accessed.
-Installation high-level
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