Configuring Oracle Connect
Installing and Configuring OracleAS Adapter for IMS/TM 6-21
The Properties tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:
Generating Outbound InteractionsOracle Connect requires metadata describing the adapter interactions, including the
structures used to pass information to and from the adapter.
If COBOL copybooks describing the adapter input and output structures are available,
then you can import the adapter definition using the Metadata Import wizard in
Oracle Studio Design perspective to generate interaction metadata. If the metadata is
provided in a number of COBOL copybooks, with different filter settings (such as
whether the first six columns are ignored or not), then you first import the metadata
from copybooks with the same settings and later import the metadata from the other
If COBOL copybooks describing the input and output structures are not available,
then you need to manually define the metadata.
The following information is required during the import procedure:
■The COBOL copybooks: These are copied to the computer running Oracle Studio
as part of the import procedure.
■The names of the IMS/TM transactions to be executed through the application
Use the Metadata Import procedure to generate interaction metadata, as follows:
1. In the Configuration explorer, right-click the IMS/TM back-end adapter defined in
"Setting Up an Oracle Connect Adapter" on page 6-19.
2. Select Edit metadata, to display the Metadata tab, with the IMS/TM back-end
adapter displayed under the Adapters list.
3. Right-click the Imports node and select New Import. The New Metadata Import
screen is displayed.
4. Enter a name for the import. The name can contain letters and numbers and the
underscore character only.
Table 6–14 Adapter Properties
Property Description
cachLastTpipe Cache the last transaction pipe used.
cacheXcfConnection Cache the XCF connection information.
maxSessions The maximum number of sessions allowed. The default
value is 5.
racfGroupId The RACF facility group identification.
racfUserId The RACF facility user identification.
tpipePrefix The transaction pipe prefix used to associate between the
transaction and the transaction pipe it is using. The default
is ATTU.
xcfClient The Cross System Coupling Facility client name.
xcfGroup The Cross System Coupling Facility collection of XCF
members to which the connection belongs. A group may
consist of up to eight characters, and may span between
multiple systems.
xcfImsMember The Cross System Coupling Facility group member.