Advanced Tuning of the Daemon C-17
8. Right-click the daemon and select End Unused Servers. Any servers in the
connection pool are closed and new servers start with the new configuration.The WS Security tab is shown in the following figure:Figure 6–20 The WS Security tab
The WS Security tab comprises fields, as listed in the following table:Table 6–24 WS Security tab Components
Field Description
Administration Defines the users (accounts) allowed to perform
administrative tasks (tasks that require administrative
login) on this workspace.
Identifies the users (accounts) with administrator
privileges. The following options are available:
■All users: Indicates that anyone can access the
workspace and change the settings.
■Selected users only: The names of users (accounts)
and groups that can be administrators.
Note: If a user is not specified here, the user specified
in the Workspace users area will have administrator
rights for this workspace. In this case, if all users are
selected for the Workspace users area, then all users
have administrator rights for this workspace.
■Allow Listing: Determines whether this workspace
appears in the list of workspaces.
Workspace account Defines the users (accounts) allowed to access the
workspace, firewall access ports, workspace account, and
anonymous login permissions.