Configuring basic settings of this unit (Setup Menu)
The [Setup] menu contains some important settings relating to the camera’s clock and power.
Check the settin gs of this menu b efore proceeding to use the camera. (P1 04)
Format the card b efore recording a p icture with this un it.
Since data cannot be recov ered after formatting, make sure to back up necessary
data in advance.
Select the menu. (P28)
Confirmation screen is dis played. It is executed when [Yes] is selected .
The recording or setup/custom set tings are reset to the default.
Select the menu. (P28)
Confirmation screens are d isplayed in the sequence of the [Rec] set tings and the [Setup]/
[Custom] settings. I t is executed when [Yes] is selected.
The folder number and the clock s etting are not changed.
The unit can be set up to prev ent unnecessary battery co nsumption.
Select the menu. (P28)
Press the shutter button hal fway or turn the camera off and on to cancel [Sl eep Mode].
To turn the monitor/viewfinder on again, pr ess any button or touch the monitor.
Formatting the card (initialization)
>[Setup] > [Format]
Restoring the default settings ([Reset])
>[Setup] > [Reset]
Conserving the battery life ([Economy])
>[Setup] > [Economy]
[Sleep Mode]
The camera is automatically turned off if the camera has not been
used for the time selec ted on the setting.
[10MIN.]/[5MIN.]/[2MIN.]/[ 1MIN.]/[OFF]
[Auto LVF/Monitor
The monitor/viewfinde r is automatically turned off if the camera
has not been used for the time selected on the setting .
DMC-GH4_PPC-VQT5H68_eng.book 29 ページ 2014年3月12日 水曜日 午後10時35分