Set the compression rate at which the pictures are to be stored.
¢1 If you delete a RAW file from the camera, the corresponding JPEG image w ill also be
¢2 It is fixed to maximum reco rdable pixels ([L]) for each image as pect ratio.
Setting the compression rate of pictures ([Quality])
Applicable modes:
>[Rec] > [Quality]
Settings File forma t Description of settings
A JPEG image in which image qua lity was given priority.
A standard image quality JPEG image.
This is useful for increasing t he number of shots without
changing the number of pixel s.
[]RAWiJPEG You can record a RAW image and a JPEG image ([A] or
[]) simultaneously.¢1
[] RAW
You can only record RAW images.¢2
[ ] images are recorded with a s maller data volume than
[] or [].
DMC-GH4_PPC-VQT5H68_eng.book 48 ページ 2014年3月12日 水曜日 午後10時35分