Easy Recording
Taking Pictures using the Automatic Function
(Intelligent Auto Mode)
In this mode, the camera makes the optimal settings for the subject and scene, so we recommend it
when you wish to leave the settings to the camera and record without thinking about them.
The camera det ects scenes automatica lly (Scene Detect ion) ( : When taking
pictures, : When recording motion pictures)
1Set the mode dial to [¦].
The camera will switch to either the most recently used
of Intelligent Auto Mode or Intelligent Auto Plus Mode.
At the time of purchase, the mode is set to Intelligent
Auto Plus Mode. (P31)
2Align the scr een with the subjec t.
When the camera identifies the optimum scene, the icon
of the scene concerned is displayed in blue for 2 seconds,
after which its color changes to the us ual red. (Automatic
scene detection)
Recording Mode:
[i-Portrait] [i-Scenery] [i-M acro] [i-Night Portrait]¢1[i- Night Scene ry]
[iHandheld Night
Shot]¢2[i-Food] [i-Baby]¢3[i-Sunset] [i-Low Light]
¢1 Only displayed when the bui lt-in flash is open.
¢2 Only displayed when [iHandheld Night Shot] is set to [ON ]. (P31)
¢3 When [Face Recog.] is set to [ON], [ ] will be displayed for
birthdays of registered faces already set o nly when the Face/E ye of
a person 3 years old or younger is detected.
[¦] is set if none of the scenes are applic able, and the standard
settings are set.
DMC-GH4_PPC-VQT5H68_eng.book 30 ページ 2014年3月12日 水曜日 午後10時35分