Useful Features (continued)
-VHS Index Search System
. I s
An index mark is automatically ptaced on the tape at the beginning of each recording (the Index indicator will flash), but not where a recording resumes after the Movie has been put into pause. You can enjoy automatic review and playback of indexed tapes using VCR models which feature the VHS Index Search System.
Book Mark Search
-Easy Editing
You can return directly to the blank portion of the tape (a tape, once recorded, is not considered "blank" even it it has been erased) just where the recording you have done so far ends. In camera mode, just press both the Rew and FF buttons together at the same time, wherever you are on the tape.
eWhen you initiate an edit search, you are in effect,
placing a marker at that point. No matter where on the tape you initiate the edit search, if you then use the book mark search, the Movie will locate and stop at the approximate point that the edit search was initiated.
To obtain proper continuity when taping from the Stop mode, or after charging the Battery Pack.
1 Set the VCR/Camera Selector switch to the
"VCR" position.
Rewind the tape for a short distance (about 5 digits on the Tape Counter) by pressing the Rewind button. Then press the Play button and view the picture on the Viewfinder.
2 At the location where you wish to continue recording, press the Pause/Stilt button.
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3A. For Camera recording:
Set the VCPJCamera Selector switch to the
"CAMERA" position; your Movie will go into the Record/Pauss mode. Then press the
Record/Pause button to continue recording.
B.For VCR recording (of rv programs, etc.). Press the Record button and the Play button together. Press the Pause/Stitl button again to begin recording.