Accessing the DSL Router
9.At the prompt, enter the new
save and press Enter
Any input during an Administrator configuration session must be saved while still in configuration mode.
For more information regarding the system identity, refer to Determining the
Current Access Level, below.
If you are denied access during a Telnet session, the session stops and an error is logged. If you accessing the DSL router locally and a Telnet session is active, you will receive a message:
Local console disabled by conflict
Telnet Access
The Telnet access defaults to Administrator level. If the login is at the Operator level, then Operator level access is available. Telnet access is always enabled.
Determining the Current Access Level
The command line prompt displays the access level. The factory default for System identity is CUSTOMER>. You can set your own system identity name to replace CUSTOMER. See the example below.
If the prompt format appears as . . .
Then the DSL router access level is . . .
And if you entered a System identity of PARADYNE, the prompt displays . . .
CUSTOMER> | Operator, display mode | PARADYNE> |
CUSTOMER #> | Administrator, display | PARADYNE #> |
| mode |
CUSTOMER ± CONFIG#> | Administrator, | PARADYNE ± CONFIG#> |
| configuration mode |
Determining the Available Commands
To determine the commands available at the current login access level, enter:
Hhelp or
H? (question mark)
Hthe command without any parameters
August 2000 |