DSL Router Configuration
Configuration Examples
The Hotwire DSL Router configuration examples include only a few of the possible scenarios. This chapter covers some of the common configurations. The command syntax will vary based on your network setup.
Configuration commands require the access level of
The Hotwire DSL Router configuration examples include:
HBasic NAT
HUnnumbered DSL Interface with Proxy ARP
HDHCP Relay with Proxy ARP
HDHCP Server with Basic NAT
HDownstream Router
Refer to Appendix A, Command Line Interface, for specific commands and syntax.
Refer to Appendix B, Configuration Defaults & Command Line Shortcuts, for specific command default settings and abbreviated command line syntax.
ÐThe examples in this chapter are provided to illustrate some of the features of the Hotwire DSL Routers. Not all possible feature configurations are covered in the examples.
ÐThe IP addresses used in the examples are for illustrative purposes only. These addresses are not intended for use when configuring your local network.
August 2000 |