Traps & MIBs
Device Diagnostics MIB
Objects supported by the Device Diagnostics MIB, pdn_diag.mib, include the Application Test Input Group (Ping and TraceRoute) and Test Traps, providing an NMS a trigger for a diagnostic test.
To start a test from NMS, you must obtain the Test ID by performing a Get. This Test ID is then used as the index when setting the parameters via objects in the Application Test Table. Refer to the applNewTestId object in Table
applMaxNumberOfTests (applTest 1)
The number of
The DSL router only supports one test.
applCurrentNumberOfTests | The number of | The DSL router only supports one test at a |
(applTest 2) | tests that are currently running on | time. |
| the device. |
applStopAllTests | Initiates the clearing of all | H noOp ± No operation. |
(applTest 3) | H Stop ± All tests are stopped and current | |
| |
| test results remain available. |
| H StopAndClear ± All tests are stopped |
| and all test results are cleared. |
applNewTestId | To start a test from NMS, | H nnn ± Existing unused test ID. |
(applTest 4) | complete a Get on this object to | H 0 (zero) ± A test ID cannot be assigned |
| obtain the test ID. Note that this | |
| at this time. | |
| invalidates any existing test | |
| |
| information for Ping, TraceRoute, |
| and Test Status tables. |
applTestId | Contains identifiers that allow | Contains applNewTestID after Get. |
(testStatusEntry 1) | NMS to find the most recent test. |
applTestType | Indicates the test type assigned | H ± Ping Test |
(testStatusEntry 2) | to this object. | Type. |
| H ± TraceRoute |
| Test Type. |
applTestStatus (testStatusEntry 3)
Indicates the test status.
Hnone(1) ± No active test.
HinProgress(2) ± Active test.
Hsuccess(3) ± Test completed.
Hfailed(4) ± Test failed.
Habort(5) ± Test aborted.
applTestErrorCode | Contains additional test details, | Test Error codes: |
(testStatusEntry 4) | such as error codes. | H none ± No errors. |
| |
| H timeout |
| H icmpError |
| H systemError |
August 2000 |