Diagnostics and Troubleshooting
The Ping program is an
ping dest-ip [ mgt -x source-ip ] [-l bytes ] [-w time ] [-i {eth1 dsl1} ]
Pings the specified destination IP address. Once Ping starts, the input prompt will not redisplay until either the Ping finishes or the Ping command is aborted with
Minimum access level: Administrator
mgt ± Specifies that the IP address is in the management domain (through the MCC). Do not use with ±x
bytes ± Bytes of data (l = length). Default = 64 bytes. Range = 0±15,000.
time ± Number of seconds to wait before ending ping attempt. Default = 10 seconds. Range = 0±60.
interface ± The target interface for the command (eth1dsl1). Do not use with ±x
Example: ping 135.300.41.8 ±l 144 ±w 30
Ping Test Results
Ping test results display in the following formats.
HPing successful:
Ping reply [x.x.x.x]: bytes of data=nn
HPing timeout:
Ping reply [x.x.x.x]: REQUEST TIMED OUT
HICMP echo response of an unreachable destination:
August 2000 |