Traps & MIBs
The supported objects in the DHCP Server/Relay MIB, pdn_dhcp.mib, facilitates the creation and configuration of DHCP server table entries. The following groups are supported:
HDHCP Server Configuration Group ± Fully supported. One object is clarified below:
ÐdhcpServerRouterIpAddr (dhcpserv 7) ± Enables you to configure the router IP address used by the DHCP server. This address is provided to clients in the DHCP reply message from the DHCP server. If this value is not set, the accepted value is
HDHCP Binding Group ± Facilitates the display of DHCP bindings. This group is fully supported.
HDHCP Relay Group ± Facilitates the display of DHCP Relay. This group is fully supported. The following clarifies some of the DHCP Relay objects:
ÐdhcpRelayIpAddr (xdslDhcpRelayAgent 6) ± This is the IP address of DHCP server.
ÐdhcpRelayEnable (xdslDhcpRelayAgent 7) ± Use to enable or disable the DHCP relay agent.
ÐdhcpRelayMaxClients (xdslDhcpRelayAgent 8) ± Enables user to specify the number of clients allowed to request IP address assignments from the server.
August 2000 |