Model 2160 Series User Manual | 5 • Console and Telnet configuration |
Enable Command Menu
The enable command menu lists commands for setting up the Model 2160. Move the cursor “ >>” to enable and press Enter. Type the supervisor password, which is root.
Command: enable <CR>
Message: Please input the following information.
Supervisor password: ****
In the enable sub menu, you can set up management features and upgrade software, back up the system config- uration and restore the system configuration via utility tools.
To save your changes, you must write the new configuration to NVRAM and reboot the Model 2160 to work with the new settings.
When you first log in to the Model 2160 with the supervisor password, the main menu displays:
>> enable | Modify command privilege |
setup | Configure system |
status | Show running system status |
show | View system configuration |
write | Update flash configuration |
reboot | Reset and boot system |
ping | Packet internet groper command |
admin | Setup management features |
utility | TFTP upgrade utility |
exit | Quit system |
Table 14 explains the commands available in the main menu:
| Table 14. Enable Command Menu |
Command | Description |
enable | Change the configuration and write changes to nonvolatile RAM (NVRAM). |
setup | Initially configure the Model 2160. |
status | View the status of the Model 2160 |
show | Show the system and configuration |
write | Update flash configuration. After you have completed all desired changes, make sure to |
| write the new configuration to NVRAM. Use the write command to save your changes |
| and reboot the system or all of your changes will not take effect. |
reboot | Reset and reboot system. After you have completed all desired changes, make sure to write |
| the new configuration to NVRAM. Use the reboot command to restart the system or all of |
| your changes will not take effect. |
ping | Check the connection to the Model 2160 |
admin | Set up advanced management features |
utility | Upgrade software and backup/restore the current configuration |
exit | Log out of the system |
Enable Command Menu | 75 |