Pelco DX4700, DX4800 Export Search, ATM/POS Search Results Click the Stop icon to stop playback

Models: DX4700 DX4800

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5. Click an event, and then click Play. The ATM/POS playback video appears in the window.

Figure 22. ATM/POS Search Results

6. Click the Stop icon to stop playback.


The Export search feature allows you to search video exported to USB or CD/DVD media.


The unit supports the play , pause , and stop buttons when playing back exported video. The reverse start, reverse, fast forward, end playback controls are not supported.

When playing back exported video on the USB device, paused video will jump forward in time when playback is resumed.

To conduct an export search:

1.From the Search menu, click Export.

2.Select a media.

3.Click Search. The search results appear.

Figure 23. Export Search Results

C4655M (2/11)


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Pelco DX4700, DX4800 manual Export Search, ATM/POS Search Results Click the Stop icon to stop playback