To view info on a video (playhead position, duration, title, date,
etc.), select the video and press i INFO.
Press again t o hide the info.
Press o OPTIONS.
- Subtitles
If available, you can switch subtitles On, Off or On during
- Shuffle
Plays your videos randoml y.
- Repeat
Plays a video once or continuously.
- DivX® VOD
Opens the DivX registration.
To close Browse USB or Browse network, press h and
select another activity.
This TV i s DivX Certified® and plays high-quality DivX Video-
On-Demand videos.
To play DivX VOD videos from a video store or from your
computer, you must activate DivX VOD on the TV first. The
DivX VOD acti vation of your T V is free of charge .
If the TV i s not yet activated when you start the playback of a
rental DivX vi deo, th e TV will show you the Di vX regis tration
code to activate this TV.
To register follow these steps.
1 - When the TV s hows the 8 or 10-digit registration code,
write down the code and go to on your
2 - Download and install the DivX player software on your
3 - Start the DivX player software and create a DivX Account
(VOD > Create a DivX Account . . .)
4 - In the DivX player, register the TV with the registration
code of the T V (VOD > Re gister a DivX Certified Device . . . )
5 - Download and save the registration video when asked.
6 - Transfer the registration video to the TV. You can use a
USB flash drive or your network connection.
7 - Play the regis tration video on your TV. Thi s completes the
regis tration an d activate s DivX on your TV.
Consult the DivX website for detailed support.
You can deregister the TV and deactivate DivX VOD playback.
To deregister, press SOURCE, select Browse USB and press
Press o OPTIONS, select DivX® VOD and press OK.
DivX®, DivX Certified® and associated logos are trademarks
of Rovi Corporat ion or its subs idiari es and are us ed un der
ABOUT DIVX VIDEO: DivX® is a digital video format created
by DivX, LLC , a subsidi ary of Rovi Corporation.
This is an official DivX Certified® device that plays DivX video.
Visit for more information and software tools to
convert your files into DivX vid eos.
device mus t be registered in order to play purchased DivX
Video-on-Demand (VOD) movies. To obtain your registration
code, locate the DivX VOD s ection in your device set up
menu. Go to for more information on how to
complete your registration.
With Wi-F i Miracast
What is Wi-Fi Miracast?
Your TV is a Wi-Fi Ce rtifie d Mir acast™ device. With
Miracast™, you can watch and share the screen of your
smartphone, tablet or computer on your TV screen wirelessly.
You can stream videos (audio and video), share photos or
anythin g else that's on scree n of the device. No nee d to
connect the device to your h ome network. Both the TV an d
the device mus t be Wi-Fi Certified Miracast™ devices and
have Miracast switched on.
For more informa tion on Wi-Fi Certifi ed Mi racast™ go to
Wi-Fi®, the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED logo, the Wi-Fi logo are
regis tered t rademarks of the Wi-Fi A lliance . Wi-Fi CERTIFIED
Miracast™, Miracast™ are trademarks of the Wi-Fi Alliance.
Switch on Miracast
The TV comes with Miracast switched On and is ready to
show the screen of a device with Miracast.
Switch off Miracast
If you do not want the TV to receive requests for screen
sharing from other devices, you can switch off Miracast on the
1 - Press h, select S Setup and press OK.
2 - Select Network settings > Wi-Fi Miracast > Off and
press OK .
3 - Press b, repeatedly if necessary, to close the menu.
Share a screen on TV
To share the screen of your smartphone, tablet or computer
on th e TV . . .
1 - Switch on the TV.
Smart TV / Videos, photos or music 59