License Texts and Acknowledgements for any open source software used in this Philips product
Instructions to o btain source code for t his software c an be found in the user ma nual.

1. U-boot

# (C) Copyright 2000 - 20 08
# Wolfgang Denk, DENX Sof tware Engine ering, wd@de nx.de.
# See le CREDITS for lis t of people who contr ibuted to this
# project.
# This program is free s oftware; you ca n redistribu te it and/or
# modify it under the te rms of the GNU Gen eral Public Licen se as
# published by the Free Sof tware Founda tion; either ver sion 2 of
# the License, or (at your optio n) any later version.
# This program is dis tributed in the ho pe that it will be usefu l,
# but WITHOUT ANY WAR RANTY; withou t even the implied wa rranty of
# GNU General Publ ic License for more det ails.
# You should have received a copy of the G NU General Publ ic License
# along with this progr am; if not, writ e to the Free Softw are
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Templ e Place, Suite 330, Bos ton,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
A copy of the GPL is included be low at item 2.

2. Linux kernel

NOTE! This copyr ight does *not* cover us er programs that use kernel ser vices by n ormal syst em calls - this is
merely considered n ormal use of the kern el, and does *not* fal l under the heading of “ derived work ”.
Also note that the GPL bel ow is copyrigh ted by the Fr ee Softwar e Foundation , but the i nstance of co de that it
refers to (the linux ker nel) is copyrighte d by me and others who a ctually wrote it .
Also note that the only val id version of the GPL a s far as the kernel is concerned is _this_ p articular v ersion of
the license (ie v2, not v2.2 or v3. x or whatever), unless e xplicitly other wise stated .
Linus Torvalds
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Soft ware Foundatio n, Inc.
675 Mass Ave, Cambridg e, MA 02139, USA
Everyone is permit ted to copy and d istribute verbatim copies of this l icense docum ent, but changing it is not
The licenses for mos t softw are are designed to take away you r freedo m to sha re and change it . By co ntrast,
the GNU Gene ral Public L icense is inten ded to guara ntee your fre edom to share and change fr ee softwar e--to
make sure the sof tware is fre e for all its use rs. This Ge neral Public L icense applies to most of the Fre e Software
Foundation’s soft ware and to any other program whose author s commit to usin g it. (Some oth er Free Soft ware
Foundation sof tware is covered by the GNU Library General Public Licen se instead.) You can appl y it to your
programs, too.
When we speak of free softw are, w e are referr ing to freedom , not price. Our Ge neral Public L icenses are
designed t o make sure th at you have the freedo m to di stribut e copies of fre e soft ware (and charge for thi s
service if you wish), that yo u receive source code o r can get it if you want i t, that you can change t he software or
use pieces of it in new free pr ograms; and that yo u know you can do these t hings.