1. You may copy and distrib ute verbatim co pies of the Libr ary’s complet e source code as yo u receive it, i n any
medium, provide d that you cons picuously and appropriatel y publish on each copy an ap propriate copy right
notice and disclaime r of warrant y; keep intac t all the notice s that refer to t his License and t o the absence of
any warranty; an d distribute a copy o f this License along wi th the Librar y.
You may charge a fee for the physica l act of tr ansferring a copy, and you may at your option offer warr anty
protection in exchan ge for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Libr ary or a ny portion of it, thus forming a work based o n the
Library, and copy and dis tribute su ch modicatio ns or work under the terms of Se ction 1 ab ove, provided
that you also meet all of thes e conditions:
a) The modied work must it self be a softwa re library.
b) You must cause the les modi ed to carr y prominent not ices stating t hat you changed t he les and th e
date of any change.
c) You must cause the w hole of the wo rk to be lic ensed at no ch arge to all third part ies under th e terms
of this License.
d) If a facility in the modied L ibrary refe rs to a function or a table of data to be supplied by an a pplication
program that uses the f acility, other than as an argument passed wh en the facil ity is invo ked, then yo u
must make a good faith effor t to ensure t hat, in the ev ent an applica tion does not s upply such func tion
or table, the facili ty still operat es, and perfor ms whatever par t of its purpose rem ains meaningful .
(For example, a func tion in a librar y to compute squar e roots has a purp ose that is entirel y well-dened
independent of the app lication. There fore, Subsectio n 2d requires that any ap plication-supp lied function
or table used by t his funct ion must be optiona l: if th e applicat ion does not supply it, th e square root
function must st ill compute square r oots.)
These req uirements apply to the modied work as a whol e. If identiable sectio ns of t hat work are no t
derived from the L ibrary, and can be reasonably con sidered indepe ndent and separ ate works in the mselves,
then thi s Lice nse, a nd its terms , do not ap ply to those sectio ns whe n you distrib ute t hem as separ ate
works. But w hen you distr ibute the sa me sections a s part of a whole which is a work based on the Libra ry,
the distribu tion of t he whole m ust be on the ter ms of this License, w hose permiss ions for ot her licensees
extend to the entir e whole, and thus to ea ch and every par t regardless of wh o wrote it.
Thus, it is not the int ent of this sectio n to claim rights o r contest your rig hts to work writ ten entirely b y you;
rather, the int ent is to e xercise the right to con trol the d istribution of deriva tive or colle ctive work s based
on the Library.
In addition, mere ag gregation o f another work not based on the Libra ry with the Libr ary (or w ith a wor k
based on the Librar y) on a volume of a storage o r distributio n medium does not bring t he other work unde r
the scope of this License.
3. You may opt to apply the terms of the ord inary GN U Gener al Public License ins tead of t his License to a
given copy of the Libr ary. To do this, you must al ter all t he notices that refer to this License, so that t hey
refer to the or dinary GN U General P ublic License , version 2, instead of t o this License . (If a newe r version
than version 2 of t he ordinary G NU General P ublic License ha s appeared, th en you can specif y that versio n
instead if you wish.) Do not ma ke any other change in th ese notices.
Once this change is made in a gi ven copy, it is irrevers ible for that copy, so the ord inary GNU Gen eral Public
License applies to all su bsequent copies and d erivative wor ks made from that copy.
This option is useful when y ou wish to copy pa rt of the code of the Library into a program that is not a
4. You may copy and distribute the Libr ary (or a portion or deri vative of i t, under Section 2) in objec t code
or executabl e form under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above provided t hat you accompany it with t he
complete correspo nding m achine-r eadable source code, w hich mu st be distr ibuted under t he ter ms of
Sections 1 and 2 above on a me dium customari ly used for softwa re interchange.
If distr ibution of ob ject co de is made by offer ing acce ss to copy fro m a d esignated place, then offerin g
equivalent acce ss to copy the source code from t he same pl ace satises the requi rement to distribute the
source code, even thoug h third parties a re not compelled to copy t he source along with t he object code.
5. A program that contains no de rivative of any por tion of the Libra ry, but is designed to wo rk with the Libr ary
by being compiled or lin ked with it, is ca lled a “work that u ses the Librar y”. Such a work, i n isolation, is not a
derivative work of t he Library, and th erefore falls out side the scope of this L icense.
However, linking a “work t hat uses t he Librar y” with the Librar y creates an executa ble that i s a deriv ative
of the Libra ry (because it contain s portions of the Lib rary), rat her than a “work that uses the li brary”. The
executable is ther efore covered by this Li cense.