Page 72 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13505 Hardware Functional Specification
X23A-A-001-14 Issue Date: 01/02/02
7.3.5 FPM-DRAM CAS Before RAS Refresh Timing
Figure 7-20: FPM-DRAM CAS Before RAS Refresh Timing
Table 7-19: FPM-DRAM CAS Before RAS Refresh Timing
Symbol Parameter Min Max Units
t1 Internal memory clock period 40 ns
t2 RAS# precharge time (REG[22h] bits 3-2 = 00) 2.45 t1 - 3 ns
RAS# precharge time (REG[22h] bits 3-2 = 01 or 10) 1.45 t1 - 3 ns
RAS# pulse width (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 00 and bits 3-
2 = 00) 2.45 t1 - 3 ns
RAS# pulse width (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 00 and bits 3-
2 = 01 or 10) 3.45 t1 - 3 ns
RAS# pulse width (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 01 and bits 3-
2 = 00) 1.45 t1 - 3 ns
RAS# pulse width (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 01 and bits 3-
2 = 01 or 10) 2.45 t1 - 3 ns
RAS# pulse width (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 10 and bits 3-
2 = 00) 0.45 t1 - 3 ns
RAS# pulse width (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 10 and bits 3-
2 = 01 or 10) 1.45 t1 - 3 ns
t4 CAS# pulse width (REG[22h] bits 3-2 = 00) 2 t1 - 3 ns
CAS# pulse width (REG[22h] bits 3-2 = 01 or 10) 1 t1 - 3
t5 CAS# Setup to RAS# 0.45 t1 - 3 ns
CAS# Hold to RAS# (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 00 and bits
3-2 = 00) 2.45 t1 - 3 ns
CAS# Hold to RAS# (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 00 and bits
3-2 = 01 or 10) 3.45 t1 - 3 ns
CAS# Hold to RAS# (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 01 and bits
3-2 = 00) 1.45 t1 - 3 ns
CAS# Hold to RAS# (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 01 and bits
3-2 = 01 or 10) 2.45 t1 - 3 ns
CAS# Hold to RAS# (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 10 and bits
3-2 = 00) 0.45 t1 - 3 ns
CAS# Hold to RAS# (REG[22h] bits 6-5 = 10 and bits
3-2 = 01 or 10) 1.45 t1 - 3 ns
t2 t3
t4 t5 t6