03Disc playback
DivX® video file specifications
¥Official DivX¨ Certified product.
¥Plays DivX¨ 5, DivX¨ 4, DivX¨ 3 and DivX¨ VOD video content (in com- pliance with DivX¨ Certified techni-
cal requirements).
¥DivX¨ file must have the extension letters Ò.aviÓ Ò.divÓ or Ò.divxÓ.
Note that all files with the .avi extension are recognized as MPEG4, but not all of these are necessarily DivX¨ video files and therefore may not be playable on this unit.
¥Standard, sampling frequency,
and the bit rate: DivX¨ file Audio format:
MPEG1 Layer2 (MP2), MPEG1 Layer3(MP3)
Bit rate 8kbps - 320kbps Sampling frequencies 8kHz - 48kHz
Max 720 x 576 (at 25fps) Max 720 x 480 (at 30fps)
Playing back DivX® video files
1Press or
to select DivX¨ file.
¥In case the disc includes more than 10 files, you can turn to the next or the previous page. (See page 39.)
2Select either a or b as below: a: Press ENTER.
b: Press and then press
to select ÒPLAYÓ and press
The selected title is played back.
¥You can use Fast forward, Review, Still, Frame advance and Slow motion playback (See page 33).
If the incorrect DRM file is loaded, ÒAuthorization Error This player
is not authorized to playthisvideo.Ówillappear on the screen.
When you attempt toplayDivX¨VOD, thenumber of plays is lim- ited and the following message will appear on the screen. If you wish to play it, select ÒYESÓ.
¥If the number of plays goes over the limit, then ÒRental ExpiredÓ will be displayed, in which case the file will not be played.
¥For external subtitle files the following subtitle format filename extensions are not supported: .srt, .sub, .ssa, .smi
¥You cannot change the subtitles.
¥Skip, Frame Advance, Program Playback, Random Playback,
Title/All Repeat, Title Search and Zooming cannot be used with DivX¨ files.
¥It depends on the recording situation of the DivX¨ file, the start- up playback position could alter from the time you initially set up to do a ÒTime SearchÓ.
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