Thank you for buying this Pioneer product.
Please read through these operating instructions so you will know how to operate your model properly.
7Care must be taken not to infringe copyright restrictions under the laws of each country. If this device is used to record copyrighted materials, approval must be obtained from the respective copyright holders. The recording of copyrighted materials without the express approval of the respective copyright holders may result in legal penalties. Pioneer disclaims any and all responsibility for any legal damages resulting from the use of this device in the unauthorized copying of copyrighted materials.
7Pioneer may not be held liable for the loss of any data or any other direct or indirect damage suffered as the result of the use or breakdown of this product.
7All names of corporations, products, and systems listed herein, even when the (™) or
(®)symbols are omitted, should be considered the registered trademarks of their respective owners.
Installation Notes
¶Install in a level, stable location. Avoid unstable locations, or locations exposed to strong vibrations.
¶Do not interfere with the dispersion of heat from the unit. Avoid using the unit on deep pile carpets or other thick fabrics, and do not cover the unit with blankets or cloths. Such usages may interfere with cooling and result in malfunctions.
¶Do not place other objects on top of the unit.
¶Install in a location not exposed to other sources of heat. Avoid installing the unit on top of amplifiers or other components that emit heat. When mounting the unit in a rack, avoid the effect of heat from amplifiers and other audio components by installing the
¶When mounting the unit in a rack, special precautions are necessary to avoid heat rise inside the unit. As a general rule, install the unit in a location not exposed to heat from below, and with at least 10 cm clearance to right and left and above, to provide for natural convection (ambient temperature below 35 °C).
Under other conditions, install so that when fully warmed up, the temperature at a point 5 cm above the center top of the case is below 35 °C. Provide for the installation of some means of forced ventilation if necessary.
¶When connecting multiple
When using this unit alone, be sure that the power outlet supplies current sufficient for the component’s power rating.
¶Do not install in fully enclosed rack mounts, since damage may result from overheating.
Environment Conditions
Ambient conditions during use should be within the range of +5 °C to +35 °C (+41 °F to +95 °F) and 85% Relative Humidity (with ventilation ports not blocked).
7Prohibited Installation Locations
•Places exposed to direct sunlight or bright artificial light.
•Places exposed to high levels of dust or smoke.
•Places subject to vibration.
•Places subject to strong electrical or magnetic fields.
•Close to heat sources.
•Places exposed to high levels of electrical noise.
•Places liable to the generation of electrostatic noise.
•Places exposed to high humidity or poor ventilation.
•Fully enclosed rack mounts.
About Condensation
During winter months when the unit is moved from a cold location into a warm room, or when the temperature of the installation location is raised suddenly, condensation may form on the unit’s internal parts (drive mechanism, laser lens, hard disk, etc.). When condensation forms, the unit will not operate. To eliminate the condensation, disconnect the power cord and allow the unit to warm to room temperature. Depending on the degree of condensation, this may require
Condensation may also form during summer months if the cool air from an air conditioner is directed toward the unit. In this case, change the installation location of the unit or the air conditioner.
Moving the Unit
If transporting of the unit is required, be sure to use the original packing materials supplied with the unit, and avoid subjecting the unit to impact, vibration, or dropping. Also take precautions to avoid exposing the unit to heat or moisture during the move. Always remove any discs from the unit before moving. Moving the unit with a disc loaded may result in scratches to the disc or internal damage to the drive unit.
7Special Precautions
Never move the unit during playback or recording. During playback and recording, the disc is rotating at very high speed, and lifting or moving the unit during this time may result in damage to the disc. Subjecting the unit to strong impacts or vibrations when a disc is loaded may also result in damage to the disc or internal parts of the unit. When it is necessary to transport the unit, stop any recording or playback operations, and remove any disc that is loaded. Remove discs anytime lifting or moving of the unit is required.
This unit is designed with precision optical devices. Take special care to control room temperature and dust in the installation location.
About Copyright
¶Unauthorized copying, broadcast, public performance, or rental of copyrighted discs is prohibited by law.
¶This product incorporates copyright protection technology that is protected by method claims of certain U.S. patents and other intellectual property rights owned by Macrovision Corporation and other rights owners. Use of this copyright protection technology must be authorized by Macrovision Corporation, and is intended for home and other limited viewing uses only unless otherwise authorized by Macrovision Corporation. Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.