Incorrect operations are often mistaken for trouble and malfunctions. If you think that there is something wrong with this component, check the points below. Sometimes the trouble may lie in another component. Investigate the other components and electrical appliances being used.
If the trouble cannot be rectified even after exercising the checks listed below, ask your nearest PIONEER authorized service center or your dealer to carry out repair work.
Symptom | Cause | Remedy |
Power does not come on even | ÷ Power cord is disconnected. | ÷ Connect cord securely. |
when the POWER switch is | ÷ Instances are rare, but the problem may be | ÷ Unplug the power cord of the unit from the AC |
pressed. | due to the operation of the protector circuit. | wall outlet, then plug it in again. |
C o n t r o l i s n o t p o s s i b l e | ÷ Static electricity affects the unit when the air | ÷ Unplug the power cord of the unit from the AC |
regardless of what operation | is dry, such as in winter. | wall outlet, then plug it in again. |
button is pressed. |
| ÷ Press the RESET button. |
| ÷ If static electricity is pronounced, it is |
| recommended that you operate the unit using |
| the remote control unit. |
No sound is produced, even | ÷ Connections are incorrect. | ÷ Consult pages 6 — 10 and perform connections |
when the input selector button |
| correctly. |
is selected. | ÷ The MUTE button is pressed. | ÷ Press the MUTE button to cancel the MUTING |
| effect. |
| ÷ VOLUME is turned down. | ÷ Raise volume. |
| ÷ Speaker connecting wires are disconnected | ÷ Connect wires to terminals securely. |
| from speaker terminals. |
| ÷ One or both of the input cords are | ÷ Connect input cords securely. |
| disconnected. |
| ÷ TAPE 2 MONITOR button is in the ON position. | ÷ Press the button again to the OFF position. |
| ÷ The SPEAKERS button is OFF. | ÷ Switch the SPEAKERS button ON. |
No picture is produced, even | ÷ Connections are incorrect. | ÷ Consult pages 6 — 10 and perform connections |
when the input selector button |
| correctly. |
is selected. | ÷ The selected input selector button is not | ÷ Press the correct button. |
| correct. |
High noise level. | ÷ Station has not been tuned in to correct | ÷ Tune the station in correctly. |
| frequency. |
| ÷ Antenna has not been connected or has | ÷ Connect the antenna securely. |
| become disconnected. |
FM reception
÷Accessory FM antenna remains bundled up ÷ Stretch both ends of antenna taut and locate
or it is not pointing in the right direction. | direction yielding optimum reception. |
÷ Weak broadcasting station signals. | ÷ Replace accessory FM antenna with an outdoor |
| FM antenna. |
AM reception
÷AM loop antenna is not pointing in the right ÷ Change the direction of the AM loop antenna and
direction. | find a position where reception is improved. |
÷ Weak broadcasting station signals. | ÷ Erect an outdoor AM antenna or connect a ground |
| wire. |
÷Noise is being picked up by this unit from ÷ Turn off the appliances generating noise or
other equipment (especially electrical | remove them from the vicinity of the stereo |
appliances using motors or fluorescent | equipment. |
lights). | ÷ Separate the antenna from the unit by some |
| distance. |