Start TrainingWith OwnZone
Startingevery training session with the OwnZone
guaranteessafe and effective heart rate zones for
yourdaily condition. Check your OwnZone at least
whenchanging training environment or sport.
whentraining for the first time after a week's
Ifyou have not recovered from the previous
trainingor if you are not feeling well or are
afterchanging user information.
DeterminingOwnZone limits take five minutes,
andcan be performed as a warm-up. Start slowly
keepingyour heart rate below 100 bpm/ 50%
HRmax.After each minute, increase your speed
graduallyabout 10 bpm/ 5% HRmax.
Ifyou have activated your training program and
youactively use the OwnZone determination, the
wristunit takes into account your long-term
OwnZoneresults when updating the program
1. Wear the wrist unit and WearLink.
2. Press OK and select Start with OwnZone.
Walkslowly for 1 min.
Walkat a normal pace for 1 min.
Walkfast for 1 min.
Jogfor 1 min.
Runfor 1 min.
3. At some point during OwnZone determination,
Newlimits in use is displayed. Proceed
normallywith your training.
IfOwnZone determination fails, and you have
determinedyour OwnZone limits earlier,
Previouslimits in use is displayed. If you have
notdetermined your OwnZone limits, Age-based
limitsin use is displayed. The OwnZone
determinationfails if the heart rate rises too fast
duringthe OwnZone determination, or if the
heartrate is too high at the beginning of the
Training 17