Activate YourPolar Star Training


Theadaptive, personalized and in-built Polar Star
TrainingProgram gives you the optimal intensity
andtime targets for your training. The wrist unit
givesfeedback on your performance after each
trainingsession and once a week.
ThePolar FT60 creates a training program based
onyour user information (weight, height, age,
sex),fitness level, activity level, and training goal.
Byanalyzing your weekly training results and
fitnesslevel, the wrist unit gives you training
guidancefor the following week. The training
programadapts to your training habits and to your
changingfitness level.
1. InTime mode, select Menu > Applications >
Trainingprogram > Create new program.
2. PerfomPolar Fitness Test. For more
information,see Test Your Fitness Level.
3. Selectyour training goal:
Improvefitness if your target is to improve
yourcurrent cardiovascular fitness level and
youare able to train regularly.
Maximizefitness if your target is to
maximizeyour current cardiovascular fitness
level,and if you have been training regularly
forat least 10-12 weeks and training nearly
everyday is not a problem for you.
Loseweight if your target is to lose some
4. Trainingprogram created! is displayed.