•Zone1 Limits: Adjust your zone 1 limits
manually.When setting the upper limit, the
lowerlimit of zone 2 is set automatically.
•Zone2 limits: Adjust your zone 2 limits
manually.When setting the lower limit, the
upperlimit of zone 1 is set automatically. When
settingthe upper limit, the lower limit of zone 3
isset automatically.
•Zone3 limits: Adjust your zone 3 limits
manually.When setting the lower limit, the
upperlimit of zone 2 is set automatically.
Changethe zone limits defined by Polar FT60 only
ifyou know your limits for burning fat, improving
fitnessand maximizing fitness. If the training
programis active, the FT60 will incorporate your
newzone limits when updating the program
User InformationSelectSettings > User Information and press OK.
•Weight:Enter your weight.
•Height:Enter your height.
•Dateof birth: Enter your date of birth
•Sex: Select MALE or FEMALE.
•Maximumheart rate is the highest number of
heartbeatsper minute (bpm) during maximum
physicalexertion. Change the default value only
ifyou know your laboratory-measured value.
•Activity:Select the alternative that best
describesthe overall amount and intensity of
yourphysical activity during the past three
1. TOP(5+ hours per week): You participate
inheavy physical exercise at least 5 times a
week,or you exercise to improve
performancefor competitive purposes.
2. HIGH(3-5 hours per week): You
participateat least 3 times a week in heavy
physicalexercise, e.g. you run 20-50 km or
12-31miles per week or spend 3-5 hours
perweek in comparable physical activity.
Settings 33