Toactivate your Polar FT60, press and hold any
buttonfor one second. Once the FT60 is
activated,it cannot be switched off.
1. Language:Select Deutsch,English,Español,
Français,Italiano,Portuguêsor Suomi with
2. Pleaseenter basic settings is displayed.
3. SelectTime format.
4. EnterTime.
5. EnterDate.
6. SelectUnits, metric (KG, CM) or imperial (LBS,
FT).By selecting lbs/ft, calories are displayed
asCAL, otherwise they are shown as KCAL.
Caloriesare measured as kilocalories.
7. EnterWeight.
8. EnterHeight.
9. EnterDate of birth.
10. Select Sex.
11. SettingsOK? is displayed.
SelectYes to accept and save the settings.
Basicsettings complete is displayed and the
FT60enters Time mode.
SelectNo if you want to change the settings.
Pleaseenter basic settings is displayed.
Re-enteryour basic settings.
Tomodify your personal settings later, see
GetStarted 5