
Thewrist unit provides you with the following feedback after a training session.

Effect Trainingeffect feedback. See Table 1 for more information.
Intensity Timespent in zones 1, 2, and 3.
Zonelimits OwnZonelimits (displayed if OwnZone in use).
Calories Expendedcalories during the session, and fat percentage.
Average/Maximum Average and maximum heart rate during training session.
Average/Maximum*Average and maximum speed of training session (displayed only if optional GPS/footpod in use).
Distance*Distanceand duration of training session (displayed only if optional GPS/footpod in use).
Thisweek Yourtargets for the current training week and the results you have achieved so far. This information is
onlyvisible when the program is active.

*OptionalGPS sensor or Footpod required to view speed and distance data.

22 AfterTraining