Weekly Follow-up

EverySunday at midnight, an envelope with the week's results will appear on the display of your wrist

unit.Press UP to view.

Weektargets achieved Tellsyou whether or not you have achieved the week's targets.
Results Excellent!/ Well done! / Nice! / Fitness maintained / Incomplete training week / Good recovery week /
Excellentrecovery week

Ifyour result is excellent, the FT60 rewards you with a trophy. The trophy

appearsin the time mode display.

Achieved/Weektarget Achieved training duration vs. week target duration
Achieved/Weektarget Expended calories vs. week target
Sessions Thenumber of training sessions achieved this week (also displayed without a program).
Achievedtime per zone Timespentin intensity zones 1, 2, and 3.
Thisweek Trainingguidance for the starting week displayed only when accessed from the envelope. See Table 2 for
24 AfterTraining