CalibrateFoot Pod during training (on-the-fly
Makesure the foot pod function in the Polar FT60
ison. Select Settings > Training settings >
Speedsensor > Footpod and press OK.
Tocalibrate the footpod during training, choosing
1. Stoprunning, stand still, and press and hold
LIGHTto go to Quick menu.
2. Stoprunning, stand still, and press BACK once.
SelectCalibrate footpod. Fix the displayed
distancewith the actual distance you just run, and
pressOK. Calibration factor set! is displayed.
Thefoot pod is now calibrated and ready for
SetCalibration Factor Manually
Thereare two options for setting the calibration
1. Beforetraining: Select Settings > Training
settings> Footpod calib. factor. Set the
calibrationfactor and press OK. The foot pod is
2. Afterstarting heart rate measurement and
beforetraining recording: In the time mode,
pressOK and then select Training settings >
Footpodcalib. factor. Set the calibration
factorand press OK. The foot pod is now
calibrated.To start training recording press
BACKonce and then select Start.
*OptionalS1 foot pod required.
Settings 35