8 — Enters a 8, or inputs characters T through V in text mode.
9 — Enters a 9, or inputs characters W through Z in text mode.
./CLEAR — Enters a decimal point (necessary when programming frequencies), spaces in text mode, clears an incorrect entry, or returns to the previous menu.
0 — Enters a 0, or inputs characters . - # _ @ + * & / , $ % ! ^ ( ) ? ~ ’ ∆.
ENT (enter) — Completes the entry of frequencies and text.
Channel Storage Banks
To make it easier to identify and select the channels you want to listen to, channels are divided into 10 banks of 50 channels each. Use each
For example, the police department might use four frequencies, one for each side of town. You could program the police frequencies starting with Channel 00 (the first channel) in Bank 1 and program the fire department frequencies starting with Channel 00 (the first channel) in Bank 2.