In certain circumstances you may wish to completely clear the contents of a channel. One example would be to create empty channels in a selected channel storage bank so the frequency copy function has empty channels available for copied frequencies.
1.Repeatedly press FUNC, and then CAR until MAN, Bank and the channel number appears.
2.Use the number keys and press SCAN to select the channel with the frequency you want to delete, or use
^ or v to navigate to the desired channel.
3.Press 0 and then ENT. The frequency is cleared, 0.00000 appears in the display.
Clearing All Channels
1.Set the scanner to the conventional channel mode so MAN, Bank, and a channel number appear.
2.Press and hold ./CLEAR. Then press 0. All 500 Channels Clear?
Press 1 key ->YES Other key -> NO appears.
3.Press 1 to clear the all channels, or press any key other than 1 to cancel the clear.