Delivering Scan Files

Preparing to Deliver a File

This section describes the preparations and settings for delivering scan files.


To use the network delivery scanner function, you need a delivery server on which the optional ScanRouter delivery software is installed. For details about the ScanRouter delivery software, see the manuals supplied with the ScanRouter delivery software.

To view files delivered to an in-tray, DeskTopBinder must be installed on the client computer.




Connect the machine to the network.

Connect the machine to the network using an Ethernet cable or wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11b).

Make the necessary network settings in [System Settings].

If you have connected the machine to the network using an Ethernet cable, make the following settings. For details, see General Settings Guide.

Specify the machine’s IP address and subnet mask

In [Effective Protocol], enable [TCP/IP]

Set [Delivery Option] to [On]

C If necessary, change settings in [Send Settings] under [Scanner Features].

D Using the ScanRouter delivery software, register this machine as an I/O de- vice. In addition, specify register destinations and specify such settings as the delivery type and sender.

For details, see the manuals supplied with the ScanRouter delivery software.


To connect the machine to the network using a wireless LAN (IEEE 802.11b), an extended wireless LAN board is required respectively. For de- tails, see Network Guide.

Items to set up in [System Settings] vary depending on the network environ- ment. For details about the network settings, see General Settings Guide.

For details about installing DeskTopBinder Lite, see "Installing DeskTop- Binder Lite from the Supplied CD-ROM".


p.79 “Installing DeskTopBinder Lite from the Supplied CD-ROM”