Values of Various Set Items for Transmission/Storage/Delivery Function
Network Delivery Function
The following table tells you the values of setting items for the network delivery scanner function.
Item | Maximum value | Comments |
Number of subject line charac- | 128 alphanumeric charac- | This is the total number of char- |
ters | ters | acters selected from the list and |
| the number of characters en- |
| tered directly from text. |
Number of | 128 alphanumeric charac- | - |
acters | ters |
Number of addresses you can | 500 addresses | You can specify 65 destinations |
specify at the same time |
| by direct entry, including |
| LDAP search. Select the remain- |
| ing 435 destinations from regis- |
| tered addresses. |
| The maximum number of desti- |
| nations you can specify differs |
| depending on which ScanRout- |
| er delivery application you are |
| using. For details, see the manu- |
| als supplied with the ScanRout- |
| er delivery application. |
| 7 |
Sendable file size | 2,000 MB per file | - |
| |