Send Settings





Compression (Black & White)

Specify a compression method for files scanned in


black and white.



Compression (Gray Scale / Full

specify a compression method for files scanned in


gray scale or full colour.



High Compression PDF Level

Specify the data compression method for High Com-


pression PDF files.



Max. E-mail Size

Select whether or not to limit the size of e-mail that has





Divide & Send E-mail

Select whether or not to divide files that exceed the


size specified in [Max. E-mail Size] and send them as


multiple e-mails.



E-mail Information Language

Select the language in which document information


such as the title, date, and administrator's name is





No. of Digits for Single Page Files

Set the number of digits in serial numbers used for sin-


gle-page file names.



Stored File E-mail Method

Sets the default for whether to attach a file or send


URL Link when sending stored files by e-mail.



Initial Settings





Menu Protect

Set the default access level for functions whose set-


tings can be changed by users other than the adminis-

