Storing Files Using the Scanner Function

I Press [OK].

J Press {Start}.

If you are scanning batches, place the next originals.


Depending on the security setting, [Access Privileges] may appear instead of [User Name]. For details about specifying [Access Privileges], consult the administrator.

By pressing [Send & Store], you can simultaneously store scan files and send


them. For details, see "Simultaneous Storage and Sending by E-mail", "Si-


multaneous Storage and Sending by Scan to Folder", and "Simultaneous



Storage and Delivery".

If a destination or sender has been selected, you cannot press [Store Only].

To cancel scanning, press {Stop}.


p.105 “Various Scan Settings”

p.114 “Adjusting Image Density”

p.115 “Setting of Original Feed Type”

p.65 “Specifying File Information for a Stored File”

p.33 “Simultaneous Storage and Sending by E-mail”

p.59 “Simultaneous Storage and Sending by Scan to Folder”

p.98 “Simultaneous Storage and Delivery”