KR103 Digital Intelligent Piano
Performance functions and effects
| FilToVar | The pedal has the same function as the |
| [To¥Variation] button. |
| FilToVOr | The pedal has the same function as the |
| [To¥Original] button. |
| Fill | This inserts a |
| ment pattern afterward does not |
| change. |
| This changes to Original or Variation | |
| without inserting a |
| Intro/End | If the Arranger is not running, pressing |
| the assigned pedal prepares the Intro |
| pattern of the selected Style, which will |
| be played back as soon as you press the |
| [Start÷Stop] button. |
| If the Arranger is running while you |
| press the assigned pedal, the KR103 |
| switches to the Ending pattern on the |
| next downbeat and stops as soon as it is |
| finished. |
| Start/Stop | The pedal has the same function as the |
| [Start÷Stop] button. |
| OrchestrUp | The pedal allows you to select the next |
| Style Orchestrator level (i.e. “Advanced” |
| if “Basic” is currently selected). After |
| selecting “Full”, however, you will not |
| return to “Basic” when you press the |
| pedal again. |
| OrcheDown | The pedal allows you to select the pre- |
| ceding Style Orchestrator level (i.e. |
| “Basic” if “Advanced” is currently |
| selected). After selecting “Basic”, how- |
| ever, you will not return to “Full” when |
| you press the pedal again. |
| MelInt On/Off | The pedal has the same function as the |
| [Melody¥Intelligence] button. |
| Fade | This function allows you to fade in (the |
| volume gradually increases) when the |
| Arranger is started, or to fade out |
| (whereby the volume gradually |
| decreases) if the Arranger is running |
| while you press the pedal. |
| RotSlow/Fast | Allows you to select the slow or fast |
| speed of the Rotary effect. This only |
| works, if the “Rotary” type is assigned to |
| the MFX (see p. 39). |
| Play/Stop | The pedal has the same function as the |
| [Play÷Stop¥®÷ª] button. |
| PunchI/O | The pedal can be used to activate and |
r |
| switch off punch in/out recording (see |
| p. 32). | |
| |
| TapTempo | The pedal allows you to specify the |
| desired Style or song tempo simply by |
| pressing it several times at the corre- |
| sponding speed. |
Soft | In this case, the pedal functions as soft |
| pedal (a pedal found on grand and digi- |
| tal pianos that reduces the volume). |
| Note: This function only applies to the |
| Keyboard parts. |
Sostenut | In this case, the pedal functions as Sos- |
| tenuto pedal (another pedal found on |
| grand and digital pianos that allows you |
| to sustain only those notes you played |
| at the time you pressed the pedal). |
| Note: This function only applies to the |
| Keyboard parts. |
Lwr Damper | The assigned pedal acts as damper pedal |
| for the Lower part. |
Note: The left or central pedal only uses the assigned function if you do not press the [Piano] button afterwards, and if the PDLSHIFT parameter page 47 is set to “Off”.
(4) Press the [Exit] button to leave this function.
Note: This setting can be saved to a User Program (see p. 46).