COSM GUITAR Chapter 9 Parameters Guide
Chapter 9
Range Explanation
You can specify how the resulting volume will be affected by chang-
es (loud/soft dynamics) in the guitar string vibrations that are input.
0–100 Adjusts the range (time) over which low-
level signals are boosted. Larger values will
result in longer sustain.
RESO (Resonation)
0–100 Adjusts the body resonation. The resonation
increases as the value is raised.
-50–+50 Adjusts the tone of the body. The standard
value is 0; raising the value boosts the high
0–100 Adjusts the volume of the body. With a set-
ting of 0, there will be no sound.
Range Explanation
Selects the type of acoustic body.
FLAT The body of an acoustic guitar with a flat top
and back.
ROUND The body of a flat top acoustic guitar with a
round back made of resin.
f-HOLE An f-hole body with an arched top and back.
This is suitable for simulating semi-acoustic
or full acoustic electric guitars.
METAL A metal body with a single round cone res-
onator. This is suitable for bottle-neck (slide)
playing, etc.
BANJO This models a general banjo strung with five
strings. Changing the size will produce an
effect as if the tuning were changed.
-50–+50 Specifies the size of the body. This modifies
the resonant frequency to simulate changes
in body size. A setting of 0 will produce a
normal resonance.
RESO (Resonation)
0–100 Adjusts the body resonation. The resonation
increases as the value is raised.
0–100 Specifies the strength of the attack when
you pluck the string strongly. As this setting
is increased, the attack will be sharper, and
the sound will be crisper.
* The effect is easier to discern with chords
than with single notes.
Range Explanation
0–100 Adjusts the body resonation. Raising the
value produces more of a sense of the guitar
body in the sound. Lower the value in con-
ditions where feedback is prone to occur.
* The body resonance is monophonic. This
means that if this Body parameter is set to
100, the panning of each string will have
less effect.
* To produce the sound of a solid body, set
ATTACK and BODY to 0.
THRU, 55–800Hz Specifies the cutoff frequency of the low-cut
filter for the bypass sound.
0–100 Adjusts the volume. With a setting of 0,
there will be no sound.
PU TYPE (Pickup Type)
PIEZO Piezo pickup.
MIC A hypothetical mic ideal for picking up the
sound of an acoustic guitar.
PU TONE (Pickup Tone)
-50–+50 Adjusts the tone.
PU LEVEL (Pickup Level)
0–100 Adjusts the volume. With a setting of 0,
there will be no sound.
VG-99_e.book 107 ページ 2007年7月5日 木曜日 午前9時22分