Chapter 9 Parameters Guide COSM AMP

COSM technology simulates different preamp characteristics,
speaker sizes, and cabinet shapes.

* You can make separate settings for Channel A and Channel B.

Preamp Type ListCOSM AMP

Range Explanation


OFF, ON Turns the COSM AMP effect on/off.


refer to Preamp Type
This sets the type of the guitar preamp.

Type Explanation

JC CLEAN (p. 141)

JC-120 This is the sound of the Roland JC-120.
WARM CLEAN This gives a mellow, clean sound.
JAZZ COMBO This is a sound suited to jazz.
FULL RANGE This is a sound with flat response. Good for
acoustic guitar
BRIGHT CLEAN A bright, clean tone.

TW CLEAN (p. 141)

CLEAN TWIN This models a Fender Twin Reverb.
PRO CRUNCH This models a Fender Pro Reverb.
TWEED This models a Fender Bassman 4 x 10” Com-
WARM CRUNCH This gives a mellow, crunch sound.

CRUNCH (p. 141)

CRUNCH This is a crunch sound that can produce nat-
ural distortion.
BLUES This is a sound suited to blues.
WILD CRUNCH This is a crunch sound with wild distortion.
STACK CRUNCH This is a crunch sound with high gain.

COMBO (p. 141)

VO DRIVE This models the drive sound of a VOX AC-
VO LEAD This models the lead sound of the VOX AC-
VO CLEAN This models the clean sound of the VOX
MATCH DRIVE This models the sound input to left input on
a Matchless D/C-30.
FAT MATCH This models the sound of a Matchless with a
modified high gain.
MATCH LEAD This models the sound input to right input
on a Matchless D/C-30.

Type Explanation

BG LEAD (p. 141)

BG LEAD This models the lead sound of the MESA/
Boogie combo amp.
BG DRIVE This models a MESA/Boogie with TREBLE
BG RHYTHM This models the rhythm channel of a
SMOOTH DRIVE This is a smooth drive sound.
MILD DRIVE This is a mellow drive sound.

MS STACK (p. 141)

MS1959 (I) This models the sound input to Input I on a
Marshall 1959.
MS1959 (II) This models the sound input to Input II on a
Marshall 1959.
MS1959 (I+II) This models the sound of a Marshall 1959
with Inputs I and II connected in parallel.
MS HI-GAIN This models the sound of a Marshall with a
modified midrange boost.
POWER STACK This provides the sound of a stack amp with
active type tone circuitry.

R-FIER (p. 141)

CLEAN Models the sound of the Channel 1 CLEAN
Mode on the MESA/Boogie DUAL Rectifi-
RAW Models the sound of the Channel 2 RAW
Mode on the MESA/Boogie DUAL Rectifi-
VINTAGE 1 Models the sound of the Channel 2 VIN-
TAGE Mode on the MESA/Boogie DUAL
MODERN 1 Models the sound of the Channel 2 MOD-
ERN Mode on the MESA/Boogie DUAL
VINTAGE 2 Models the sound of the Channel 3 VIN-
TAGE Mode on the MESA/Boogie DUAL
MODERN 2 Models the sound of the Channel 3 MOD-
ERN Mode on the MESA/Boogie DUAL

T-AMP (p. 141)

CLEAN This models a Hughes & Kettner Triamp
CRUNCH This models a Hughes & Kettner Triamp
LEAD This models a Hughes & Kettner Triamp
EDGE LEAD A sharp lead sound.

HI-GAIN (p. 141)

SLDN This models a Soldano SLO-100.
DRIVE STACK This is a drive sound with high gain.
LEAD STACK This is a lead sound with high gain.
HEAVY LEAD A powerful lead sound featuring extreme
VG-99_e.book 140 ページ 2007年7月5日 木曜日 午前9時22分