[] Smart Face Recognition
Setectabte modes: Program, Beauty Shot, Portrait, Children, Beach & Snow
The camera automatically registers faces that you frequently photograph. This feature wilt automatically prioritize the focus on those faces and favorite faces. This feature is available only when you use a memory card.
The nearest face appears in a white focus frame and the rest of the faces
appear in gray focus frames.
-._ : Indicate favorite faces (To register favorite faces, see page 46).
-E_ : Indicate faces that the camera automatically registers.
The same person can be recognized as a different person and
vice versa depending on glasses, brightness, extreme change of pose or facial expressions.
If you register a new face when 12 faces are already registered, the face with the lowest priority is replaced by the newly added face.
The camera can recognize a maximum of 5 people in a scene.
The camera can categorize pictures in the playback mode according to the priority of faces (p. 67).
Even though the camera a recognizes a face, it may not categorize the face in Smart Album according to priority.