SAMSUNG компаниясы әрқашан өз өнімдерін үздіксіз жақсартып отыруды көздейді. Сондықтан да, дизайн спецификациялары мен пайдаланушы нұсқаулықтары еш ескертусіз өзгертіледі.





Қуат көзі

230 В ~ 50 Гц АТ




Тұтынылатын қуат



Максимум қуат






Гриль (қыздырғыш элемент)



Конвекция (қыздырғыш элемент)

Макс. 2100 Вт



Қуат шығысы

100 Вт / 900 Вт - 6 деңгей (IEC-705)




Жұмыс жиілігі






Өлшемдері (Е x Т x Б)




523 x 506 x 309 мм

Пештің іші

373 x 370 x 233 мм





32 л









шамамен 20,0 кг




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Samsung MC32F604TCT/BW manual Техникалық Параметрлері Ескертпе

MC32F604TCT/BW specifications

The Samsung MC32F604TCT/BW is a versatile and advanced microwave oven designed to enhance your cooking experience with its array of features and technologies. This model stands out for its innovative combination of microwave, grill, and convection cooking, allowing users to prepare a diverse range of dishes with ease and efficiency.

One of the key features of the MC32F604TCT/BW is its smart multi-cooking capabilities. The oven combines microwave and grill functions to reduce cooking times significantly while still providing the perfect crisp finish to your meals. The convection cooking feature circulates hot air around the food, ensuring even cooking and browning, which is essential for baked goods and roasted meats.

The MC32F604TCT/BW comes equipped with a generous 32-liter capacity, making it suitable for both family meal preparation and entertaining guests. The interior is designed with ceramic enamel coating, which not only makes it easy to clean but also resists bacteria and minimizes odor retention. This feature ensures that your microwave stays hygienic and easy to maintain, providing a cleaner cooking environment.

This microwave also includes an array of pre-set cooking modes, allowing users to select the ideal settings for various types of food. Whether you’re reheating leftovers, baking a cake, or defrosting frozen meat, the one-touch control options make it simple to achieve the desired results. Additionally, the MC32F604TCT/BW features a smart sensor that automatically adjusts cooking times and power levels based on food weight and type, taking the guesswork out of meal preparation.

The sleek and modern design of the MC32F604TCT/BW makes it a stylish addition to any kitchen countertop. Its intuitive control panel features a bright LED display, providing easy access to settings and cooking times. Moreover, the microwave is equipped with a powerful 900 watts of microwave power, ensuring efficient cooking and even heat distribution.

In summary, the Samsung MC32F604TCT/BW is not just a microwave but a multifunctional cooking appliance that brings convenience, efficiency, and style to your kitchen. With its advanced features, high-capacity interior, and user-friendly controls, it caters to the needs of modern households, making meal preparation a delightful experience. Whether you are a novice cook or a culinary enthusiast, this microwave oven is designed to elevate your cooking game, delivering exceptional results every time.