Samsung MG23J5133AM/BW manual Foydali maslahatlar

Models: MG23J5133AM/BW

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Foydali maslahatlar

Sariyog'ni eritish

50 g sariyog‘ni kichkina chuqur shisha tarelkaga soling. Plastmassa qopqoq bilan yoping. Yog' erigunicha 800 Vt quvvatda 30-40 soniya qizdiring.

Shokoladni eritish

100 g shokoladni kichkina chuqur shisha tarelkaga soling. Shokolad erigunicha 450 Vt quvvatda 3-5 soniya qizdiring.

Eritish vaqtida bir yoki ikki marta aralashtiring. Qalin qo'lqopdan foydalangan holda oling! Qotgan asalni eritish

20 g qotgan asalni kichkina chuqur shisha idishga soling. Asal erigunicha 300 Vt quvvatda 20-30 soniya qizdiring.

Jelatinni eritish

Quruq jelatin plastinkalarini (10 g) 5 daqiqa sovuq suvga soling.

Jelatindan suvni oqizib tashlang va uni issiqqa chidamli kichkina tarelkaga joylashtiring. 300 Vt quvvatda 1 daqiqa qizdiring. Eritgandan keyin aralashtiring.

Qiyom tayyorlash (pishiriq va pechenye uchun)

Tez tayyorlanadigan qiyomni (taxminan 14 g) 40 g shakar va 250 ml sovuq suv bilan aralashtiring. Issiqqa chidamli shishadan yasalgan kosada ustini yopmasdan qiyom shaffof rangga kirgunicha 800 Vt quvvatdan foydalanib 3½ daqiqadan 4½ daqiqagacha tayyorlang. Tayyorlash vaqtida ikki marta aralashtiring.

Jem tayyorlash

600 g mevani (masalan, reza mevalar aralashmasi) issiqqa chidamli shishadan qilingan qopqoqli idishga soling. Konservalash uchun 300 g shakar qo‘shing va yaxshilab aralashtiring.

Qopqoqni yopgan holda 800 Vt quvvatda 10-12 daqiqa tayyorlang.

Tayyorlash vaqtida bir necha marta aralashtiring. Burama qopqoqli jem uchun mo'ljallangan kichkina bankachalarga soling. Bankachalarni 5 daqiqa qopqog'ini pastga qilgan holda qo'ying.

Puding tayyorlash

Pudding konsentratiga shakar va sutni (500 ml) konsentrat ishlab chiqaruvchisi ko'rsatmalariga amal qilgan holda qo'shing va yaxshilab aralashtiring. Qopqoqli issiqqa chidamli shishadan qilingan kosadan foydalaning. Qopqoqni yopgan holda 800 Vt quvvatda 6½ daqiqadan 7½ daqiqagacha pishiring.

Tayyorlash jarayonida bir necha marta yaxshilab aralashtiring.

Bodom bo‘lakchalarini qizartirish

30 g bodom bo‘lakchalarini o‘rtacha o‘lchamdagi sopol tarelkaga tekis qatlam qilib yoying.

600 Vt quvvatda 3½ daqiqadan 4½ daqiqagacha tayyorlang, tayyorlash vaqtida bir necha marta aralashtiring. Bodomni pechda 2-3 daqiqa qoldiring. Qalin qo'lqopdan foydalangan holda oling!

Taom tayyorlash bo'yicha yo'riqnoma

O'zbek  41

MG23J5133AM_BW_DE68-04328N-00_RU+UK+KK+UZ.indb 41

2017-09-22 ￿￿ 1:40:48

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Samsung MG23J5133AM/BW manual Foydali maslahatlar

MG23J5133AM/BW specifications

The Samsung MG23J5133AM/BW is a versatile microwave oven that embodies a perfect blend of functionality and modern design. With its 23-liter capacity, it is ideal for small to medium-sized families, offering ample space for a variety of cooking tasks. This model stands out with its sleek black finish and streamlined controls, making it a stylish addition to any kitchen.

One of the main features of the Samsung MG23J5133AM/BW is its ceramic enamel interior. This innovative material not only offers easy cleaning but also helps in maintaining hygiene, as it is less prone to bacterial growth. Additionally, the smooth surface helps resist scratches, allowing the microwave to retain its appearance over time.

Equipped with a powerful 800-watt microwave, the MG23J5133AM/BW ensures quick and efficient cooking. It comes with multiple power levels, allowing users to adjust the intensity based on the cooking requirements. The microwave offers various pre-set cooking modes that assist in preparing a wide range of meals with just the touch of a button.

The Smart Sensor technology is another significant characteristic of this microwave oven. It automatically adjusts cooking times and power levels depending on the food being prepared, ensuring optimal cooking results. This feature not only enhances convenience but also prevents overcooking, making it an ideal choice for those who may not have extensive cooking experience.

In terms of design, the Samsung MG23J5133AM/BW features an LED display, making it easy to read and operate. The microwave also includes a sleek dial and button interface, which adds to its user-friendly experience.

Moreover, the oven is equipped with a grilling element, providing versatility in cooking options. Users can not only reheat and defrost food quickly but also achieve that perfect grilled texture on meats and vegetables.

The eco mode is a thoughtful addition that allows the microwave to use less energy when not in use, promoting energy efficiency and sustainability.

In conclusion, the Samsung MG23J5133AM/BW microwave oven impresses with its combination of advanced features, user-friendly operation, and stylish design. Ideal for modern kitchens, it offers convenience, efficiency, and versatility for a wide range of cooking tasks. Whether you're reheating leftovers, cooking a full meal, or experimenting with new recipes, this microwave is sure to meet your culinary needs.