Samsung RB38J7861SA/WT, RB41J7335SR/EF, RB33J3420SS/EF, RB38J7000SR/EF ‘YIQ Tutqich Dastali Tutqich

Models: RB41J7751SA/WT RB33J3320SA/WT RB33J3420SS/WT RB38J7761WW/WT RB41J7751WW/WT RB33J3320EF/WT RB33J3220EF/WT RB33J3420BC/WT RB41J7857S4/WT RB41J7861S4/WT RB37J5300WW/WT RB33J3420SA/WT RB33J3200WW/WT RB38J7861S4/WT RB33J3400SS/WT RB38J7000SR/EF RB33J3300WW/WT RB38J7861WW/WT RB33J3400WW/WT RB41J7335SR/EF RB38J7861SA/WT RB33J3220SS/WT RB41J7811SA/WT RB41J7861EF/WT RB41J7751XB/WT RB33J3220SA/WT RB38J7761SR/WT RB33J3200EF/WT RB41J7851S4/WT RB38J7861SR/WT RB33J3420SS/EF RB33J3420WW/WT RB33J3320SS/WT RB41J7851EF/WT RB41J7761B1/WT RB33J3200SA/RS RB33J3200SA/WT RB33J3420EF/WT RB38J7761SA/WT RB37J5341SA/WT

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• Havo aylanishi uchun jihoz o‘ngida,









chapida, orqasida va tepasida









yetarlicha bo‘sh joy bo‘lsin.














1,927 mm

Bu elektr tok iste'molini






kamaytiradi va natijada elektr













2,017 mm

tok uchun xarajatlaringiz ham


















Muzlatgichni harorat 10 °C dan pasayib









ketadigan joyga o‘rnatmang.















Muzlatgichga texnik xizmat ko‘rsatish









kerak bo‘lganida bemalol siljitish









mumkin bo‘lsin.






























































900 mm





906 mm


1139 mm


1145 mm













1330 mm





1137 mm


688 mm


732 mm












Muzlatgichingizni sozlash

595 mm



595 mm yoki 535 mm


1212,2 mm (BAR 1218,2 mm)

• O‘lchovlar dizaynga asoslanadi, shu sababli o‘lchash usuliga qarab farqlanishi mumkin.


Muzlatgichning orqa tomonida o‘rnatish, texnik xizmat yoki tozalash kerak bo‘lsa, jihozni tashqariga to‘g‘ri tortib chiqaring va ish tugaganidan keyin joyiga itarib kirgizing.

To‘liq yuklanishli muzlatgichni pol ko‘tara oladigan bo‘lsin.

Aks holda pol shikastlanishi mumkin.


Elektr shnurining ortiqchasini yerga tegmaydigan qilib muzlatgichning orqa tomoniga o‘rab qo‘ying, shunda joyidan siljitish paytida g‘ildiraklar shnurga shikast yetkazmaydi.

O‘zbek  19

DA68-03174S-09.indb 19

2017. 9. 12.

�� 10:40

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Samsung RB38J7861SA/WT, RB41J7335SR/EF, RB33J3420SS/EF, RB38J7000SR/EF, RB33J3420EF/WT manual ‘YIQ Tutqich Dastali Tutqich

RB41J7751SA/WT, RB33J3320SA/WT, RB33J3420SS/WT, RB38J7761WW/WT, RB41J7751WW/WT specifications

Samsung has long been a leader in home appliance technology, and its lineup of refrigerators, including models like the RB31FSRNDSS/EF, RB33J3205SA/EF, RB33J3420EF/WT, RB32FSRNDSA/RS, and RB33J3200SA/WT, showcases innovation and efficiency. These refrigerators are designed to meet diverse needs while incorporating advanced features that enhance convenience, performance, and style.

One standout feature across these models is the No Frost technology. This system prevents the buildup of frost within the freezer and refrigerator compartments, eliminating the need for manual defrosting. Consumers appreciate this feature for its practicality, as it maintains optimal temperatures and preserves food freshness without the hassle of routine maintenance.

Energy efficiency is another hallmark of these Samsung refrigerators. Many of these models are equipped with the Digital Inverter Compressor, which adjusts the cooling power based on the internal temperature and humidity levels. This technology not only improves energy consumption but also reduces noise levels, creating a quieter kitchen environment.

The RB31FSRNDSS/EF, for instance, boasts a spacious interior with flexible storage solutions, including adjustable shelves and door bins. This adaptability allows users to customize their refrigerator space according to their grocery needs, catering to both small and large households.

Another common feature in this lineup is the Multi-Flow Cooling system, which ensures that cool air is circulated evenly throughout the fridge, maintaining consistent temperatures and preventing hotspots that can lead to spoiled food.

Some models, like the RB33J3205SA/EF and RB33J3420EF/WT, come with a sleek stainless steel finish that not only enhances aesthetics but also makes cleaning effortless. Additionally, most of these refrigerators include a variety of smart features and compatibility with Samsung’s SmartThings app, allowing users to monitor and control their appliances remotely.

In conclusion, the Samsung RB series refrigerators exemplify modern design and advanced technology. With features like No Frost technology, energy-efficient compressors, flexible storage solutions, and smart connectivity, they are equipped to handle the demands of today’s busy households while delivering on performance and style. These models stand out as practical investments for anyone looking to enhance their kitchen experience.