Using Voicemail
Setting Up and Using Your Voicemail
All unanswered calls to your phone are automatically transferred to your voicemail, even if your phone is in use or turned off. Therefore, you will want to set up your voicemail and personal greeting as soon as your phone is activated.
Complete details on setting up and using your voicemail can be found in the GettingStartedwithPivot guide that came with your phone. For additional information, please contact your cable provider.
Voicemail Notification
There are several ways your phone alerts you to a new message:
⬤By displaying a message on the screen.
⬤By sounding the assigned ringer type.
⬤By the LED blinking red.
⬤By displaying at the top of your screen.
Clearing the Message Icon
Your phone may temporarily continue to display the message icon after you have checked your messages.
To clear the icon from the display screen:
1.Press > Messaging > Voicemail > Clear Count.
2.Select Yes.
Pivot Service
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