To answer an incoming call with the phone closed:
1.Make sure your phone is on. (If your phone is off, incoming calls go to Voicemail.)
2.When your phone rings or vibrates, press and hold the Side Volume key ( ) on the left side of the phone. (The call will be answered in speakerphone mode.)
– or –
Open the phone to use the earpiece.
Note: If the setting for Open Flip is set to “No Action,” opening the phone will not answer the call. (See “Setting the Open/ Close Flip Option” on page 65.)
Your phone notifies you of incoming calls in the following ways:
⬤The phone rings and/or vibrates.
⬤The LED indicator light flashes.
⬤The backlight illuminates.
⬤The screen displays an incoming call message.
If the incoming call is from a number stored in your Contacts, the entry’s name is displayed. The caller’s phone number may also be displayed, if available.
When receiving a call, the following options are also displayed by pressing Options (right softkey). To select an option, highlight it and press .
⬤Call Guard to answer the call when you are in roaming mode. (See “Using Call Guard” on page 84.)
⬤Answer or Answer:Speaker to answer the call.
⬤Select Audio to switch the call to your desired device (if available).
⬤Answer on Hold to put the call on hold. (See “Setting Answer on Hold” on the next page.)